Travel Day 892 –Kolkata, INDIA
For the longest time I couldn’t quite decide what to do next and when to do it, but after the realization that we could only have a shitty room in our current hostel for the next couple of days, we finally decided to move downtown to touristic Sudder Street…
So this day became pretty much a spontaneous Travel Sunday. We had to pack and organize everything while getting ready to leave the room and then we had to run some errands. I had created some disks with photos of the Tablaphilia rehearsals and performances and today became the perfect day to pass them on to some people of the ensemble…
In the early afternoon we then went down to Sudder Street in order to look for a nice place to stay. Luckily we had left our luggage in the current guesthouse in northern Kolkata and so we were able to move around freely while looking for an acceptable place. It became actually quite a mission and we were almost in shock about the prices that were asked for what kind of low quality rooms…
Seemingly 20 terrible hotels later, we decided to settle for the best of the bad options on offer while realizing what kind of a great deal we actually had before in our clean and comfortable guesthouse up north. But on the other hand, being in the center made any sort of city exploration a whole lot easier and so we were actually excited to move all our stuff down there…
As it turned out, packing, finding a place to stay and moving became a day filling event and the time just flew by without allowing us to do any kind of sightseeing during the entire day. We only passed by a few nice colonial buildings while we walked around, looking for a place to stay. But overall that was ok, for now we were contempt with the fact that we had all the amenities that a tourist area could have on offer: good food, fast internet and snacks or chai whenever we fancied it…
So naturally, once we settled-in, we did exactly what we came here to do: We used the internet, had some great food and enjoyed some chai until late in the evening. Yay, it was actually quite nice to be in the backpacker area, at least for a little while… : )
Vegetation taking over the old buildings?
Yeah, I guess it is the natural flow if things if building maintenance doesn’t exist, like here in Kolkata…