About the Author of SeeTheWorldInMyEyes
Hi, my name is Dennis Kopp and I am not only the author of what you are reading, but also the eyes in which you are seeing the world that is portrait on this website. It seems strange now, but for most of my life I was actually never much of a traveller. In fact, I never really liked to be away from home and for many years I did not even go anywhere when I had time for vacation…
Things started to change slowly when I decided to move to Berlin to finish my studies and to start working. Eventually, I had the urge to leave my home country and try my luck in New York City. This circumstance turned out to be the best preparation for my future travels that I could have ever wished for. On the one hand, I got used to being away from friends and family, while on the other I had the chance of learning English well enough to comfortably communicate in every country that I visited. Both these circumstances were certainly not required for a world trip, but as it turned out they made everything a whole lot easier…
I can’t really remember when I first had the idea to see the world, but what I do remember well is taking myself on my first vacation, all alone, in 2005. I really only went down to Miami for a long weekend, but there I met a traveller who had just set out to travel around the world for a whole entire year. It sounded crazy at first, but after spending a couple of days together and hearing about his trip, all of a sudden the idea of travelling alone around the world seemed actually quite possible…
It was still about four years later that I actually decided to leave my job, my friends and my apartment in, then hometown, Boston behind to go travelling around the world. Between the day that I decided to leave and the day that I actually left, lay about five months of intense preparation, packing, planning, researching, organizing, selling furniture and putting stuff into storage…
Although I still had serious doubts regarding my decision over the last couple of days before my departure, once I was on the road, everything was good and I knew that this was the best decision I had ever made in my entire life. Before leaving home, my friends and family had made me feel like I was crazy for even having the idea of travelling a whole year. But as soon as I arrived at my first hostel in South America, I came to realize how absolutely normal I was. Practically every single person was travelling for at least one year and some people had even been on the road for as much as seven years…
So during my first travel days I learned already that no matter how strange or out-of-place you feel in life, it is really only in relation to the current situation or environment you are in. There are always people like you somewhere out there in the world, you just have to make an effort to find them. In the end I actually managed to find many of them and I enjoyed their company as well as travelling so much, that my one year trip ended up becoming something like a never-ending love story… : )
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Hello Dear
I wish you a very happy journey!
God bless you! May live long!
Chhatra, thank you very much for wishing me well on my journey. I too hope that my travels as well as my efforts as author in writing this travel blog will continue for a long while…
Wow – great site. Glad to have stumbled across it in my quest for an ashram in India… looks like you have plenty of archives to catch up on.
Blissful travels and more, Amanda
Amanda Froelich recently posted…Raw Chef At Farm of Life, Costa Rica
Thank you very much Amanda. Great to see that you found my website and even better that you are interested in ashrams in India. You should be able to find some information of my experiences as well as some photos here, but if you have a specific question, please feel free to contact me…
All the best wishes!
Dennis Kopp recently posted…From Dream Beach to Nusa Ceningan
Fascinating blog, Dennis! Thanks for connecting with us on Twitter! Keep up the great work and travel safe!
Hitch-Hikers Handbook recently posted…Travel Photography Competition – week 75
Thanks a lot Ania and Jon, also for checking out my website!
Always safe travels and safe hitch-hikes to you as well…
Hi Dennis,
Just found your website and we are enjoying it very much. Glad your decision to leave your previous life is working out so well for you. Happy travels!
The Travel Sisters recently posted…Hugging a Panda in Chengdu, China!
Thank you very much Matilda and Patti! I am very glad to hear that you are enjoying my website. Always happy travels to both of you as well with as many points and miles as you can get…
As a German living Australia I can relate to your comments on preparation, learning English, being away from friends & family, but what really touched me was your comment ” I learned already that no matter how strange or out-of-place you feel in life, it is really only in relation to the current situation or environment you are in”. What a great insight, I’ll keep this in mind
Have fun!
Thank you very much Caroline, it’s great to hear that my comment actually touched you! See, there are always people somewhere who can relate to you and understand you. I think that is very comforting to know…
Enjoy Australia and don’t get bitten by any strange creatures…
Amazing journey, Dennis! Visiting Tibet is one of my priorities in the next couple of years, I will definitely look at your posts for advice!!!
PS. I totally love how you described your previous career as “architorture” hahaha
Raphael Alexander Zoren recently posted…Museums: Owners of antiquity?
Thanks a lot Raphael, that is unfortunately the best description.
Tibet is a really important place to visit in my opinion, even if it can be difficult to get a permit at times. But meeting all the friendly locals and realizing how much they are being suppressed was quite a sobering experience I would not want to miss.
Love your blog! It’s beautiful and really eye opening! Do you work as you travel at all? How do you fund your trip for so long?
Thank you Alexandra, I am glad to hear that you like my blog! So far it worked out better for me to alternate between travelling and working rather than working while travelling. It just seemed to make more sense to earn dollars or euros at home and then make them last longer in countries where the conversion rate worked in my favor… 😉
Fellow sufferer of Architorture here 😀 I just have to say, my favourite accent belongs to Germans who speak English. It’s just SO soothing. I bet you didn’t need to really go to New York City to brush it up. Ever German I’ve ever met already speaks so well!
Surya Bhattacharya recently posted…10 Reasons I Love Krakow
Thank you fellow sufferer!
Unfortunately my English wasn’t very good when I left Germany, but luckily it improved a lot while living abroad. Actually it improved so much that I like to believe that I don’t have a German accent at all, but for some reason nobody else seems to believe that… 😉
I can’t imagine a German who doesn’t already speak beautiful English… But okay 😛
Surya Bhattacharya recently posted…10 Reasons I Love Krakow
Thank you Surya, let’s pretend all Germans speak perfect English then…
Nice blog! Just saw you from Audrey’s site and I’m browsing your Indonesia entries. Might go there soon
Have plans of visiting the Philippines?
Micamyx|Senyorita recently posted…Turning 27: Solo Birthday Trip in Batanes Notes
Thank you very much Micaela! I have actually visited the Philippines twice, but currently I don’t have any plans to go back. But I am glad to hear that you found my Indonesia posts, it really is a great country to visit and you should definitely try to go as soon as you get the chance…
Hi Dennis,
It is so nice to land up in your site. I was surfing in Google about ‘Langtang Valley trekking’ six months back and I stumbled upon in your site. Since then I book-marked your site. Meanwhile I traveled to Langtang and Kyanjin Ri on last December. But don’t know why I started surfing your site today. Loved your story and would definitely love to meet you. I wish you can come down to India, Kolkata.
Anyway keep up the good work. It would be great if I get the opportunity to be in touch with you.
I have already added you in Google plus.
Hope to have you in my network.
With best wishes – Susmita
Susmita Mukhopadhyay recently posted…Delightfully delicious treat for your taste buds
Hi Susmita,

And thank you for book marking my site. It’s great to hear that you looked through my Langtang trekking experiences and it’s even better that you also had the chance to visit. It really is such a lovely place and maybe at some point you could even add some beautiful photos to your report as well…
Visiting Kolkata again would be great since it’s one of my favorite places in India. Unfortunately it didn’t work out this winter, but who knows, maybe the next it will…
Best wishes,
I believed we are sailing on the same boat..I left my corporate job to see the world..Now I am stranded in Germany, a perfect country to start exploring Europe..safe travels..please let me know if you happened to be in Bavaria..have a wonderful day!
Ruby recently posted…Birthday Trip is About to Commence
Hi Ruby, as it looks like we are in the same boat, at least kind of…
Germany is definitely not a bad place to be stranded at, although maybe that view will change once the winter comes. Safe travels to you as well when you explore Europe! By the way, I should pass through Bavaria at some point on my drive back to northern Germany, but I am not sure when that will be… 
Ooopppsss.sorry for the late visit. Life is just so busy sometimes! I guess, I miss your passing here in Bavaria…or maybe you did a reroute somewhere..hehe…where is your next destination? safe and happy travels to you!
Ruby recently posted…Visit to the Supertree Grove at Gardens by the Bay
Thanks Ruby! Sorry, I only passed through Bavaria quickly. But I might actually be back next year, if I manage to set out on another trip with the self-made campervan…