Travel Day 944 to – Amritapuri Ashram, Kerala, INDIA
I had been in the ashram for about 10 days by now and finally some sort of routine started to set in…
Well, it wasn’t so much of a routine where every day was the same, but rather I was finally feeling more and more comfortable with everything that happened around me. I also decided a bit more wisely about which events to join and I knew much better how they would happen and what to expect from them. On top of that all my friends that I made over the first couple of days had left by now, which resulted in me having more time to myself…
On the one hand it was definitely good to have to time to myself, but on the other it also allowed me to rather speak with some people who had been here for a while. This seemed especially valuable since every single day new people arrived with new excitement and new anxiety. Getting to know some of the more established and obviously more relaxed people had the great advantage that I was finally able to have actually meaningful conversations about spirituality, rather than just wondering about what was going on in this ashram…
So far I had been rather critical myself towards everything that happened in the ashram and when I first arrived I called it a Spiritual Disneyland and a Spiritual Factory. While this was still a valid observation on the surface, now that a routine was developing and I was learning and understanding more, all of a sudden I was able to see the actual beauty behind many things…
There was obviously immense beauty in the immediate environment as I came to realize when I finally dared to walk into one of the high-rise buildings to check out the views over the peninsula, the beach and the backwaters with its fishing nets. But there was also immense beauty in the way how Amma dealt with all the people and the whole hype that was created around her person. And the longer I was staying in the ashram the more I understood what she was actually dealing with…
While I was first only caught up with her person and trying to understand who or what she really was, I now slowly started to understand that it really didn’t matter to give her a label. She somehow managed to create this place in a beautiful location and with open arms she invited every person to come and stay, no matter how strange they were. For little money she gave everyone food, shelter, teachings and even a big hug. That alone was a beautiful thing and I really appreciated it… : )
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